Vasco Fonseca
Portuguese Institute of Oncology - Lisbon, Portugal
Vasco Carvalho Lourenço da Fonseca is 42 years old and has been practicing medicine for 16 years, following a family tradition of medical doctors. He is currently an oncologist. Throughout his career, he has had the privilege to work on various health reference units, as well as in a renewed research center. He is married and the father of 4 children. He was a high competition athlete in equestrian sports. His interest in his community and in societal issues, led him to integrate the list that is currently in functions at Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (City hall). Currently working as Hospital Assistant on Medical Oncology at the Oncology unit of the “Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental” (located at the hospital “São Francisco Xavier”), highlighting his involvement on Breast cancer.
Abstract : Preservation of Fertility in Breast Cancer Patients in Five Hospitals in Portugal