Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic. Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
Title: How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or Radiological Exams?
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: The earliest detection of cancer formation is the objective from all medicals systems as cancer in the early stage can be asymptomatic. A variety of techniques involving biomedical imaging are used in all phases of cancer measurements. According to traditional Chinese medicine, cancer comes from energy deficiency and Heat retention.
Purpose; the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that there are tools that we can use to screening the prevention of cancer formation without using any laboratorial or image exam.
Methods; the author used some theories in traditional Chinese medicine concerning cancer formation and applied in her daily practice. In a research she did in her clinic measuring 1000 chakras’ energy centers from 2015 to 2020, using radiesthesia procedure, to see how were the energy of the population that she was attending her clinic in Brazil.
Results; more than 90% of the patients studied were in the minimum level of energy, rated one out of eight and all of them were considered high risks for acquiring cancer due to the complete lack of energy in this chakras’ energy centers, that are the energy deficiency responsible for the cancer formation if not properly treated accordingly.
Conclusion: there are other form of prevention of cancer without using any radiological and laboratorial exams such as the use of radiesthesia procedure to measure the energy in the chakras’ energy centers, that are responsible for the formation of Yin, Yang (Kidney or second chakra), Qi (distributed by the fourth chakra and or the Blood (produced by the fifth chakra and controlled the flow of the blood inside the vessels. The detection of patient with chakras’ energy deficiency is imperative in all patients nowadays, because of the influences of the electromagnetic waves in our life, harming our energy and the treatment of this condition using traditional Chinese medicine´s tools and homeopathies medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine are very important to prevention of cancer formation in health patients nowadays.