4th World Congress on Breast Cancer
Singapore City, singapore
Rika Fatmadona
Andalas University, Indonesia
Ns Rika Fatmadona, MKep, Sp.Kep MB, has her expertise in oncology nursing and passion in improving nursing education and health. She has get master and nursing specialist in Oncology at University of Indonesia. Now she works as a lecturer in Nursing Faculty at Andalas University Padang. Her concerned on nursning education, and doing research on cancer patient. Not only that, she is also as a clinical instructor in educational hospital, RSP Andalas Padang and also takes a role in caring patient as a clinical care manager. As a researcher, she is concerned on caring of cancer patient and its impact on family.trying to arrange develop research on her way to get PhD. Her vision in updating knowledge and skill is one way to develop herself. Being good and useful to everyone, is her motto.