4th World Congress on Breast Cancer
Singapore City, singapore
Muthu K Shanmugam
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Muthu K Shanmugam is a senior research fellow in the Department of Pharmacology, National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He got his Ph.D in cancer pharmacology and he is currently working as a senior research fellow. He has twelve years of experience in experimental laboratory research and have published in journal papers and presented at international conferences. Muthu K Shanmugam has vast experience in cancer biology, inflammatory diseases, orthotopic, xenograft and transgenic mice models, in molecular biology, cell and tissue culture experiments. In addition, he is trained in high-throughput technology such as cDNA microarray technology, antigen and antibody array technology, two dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, pharmacokinetics and in the development of array based clinical diagnostic tools.